Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

100 Impian ღ

Diposting oleh Sophie-chan di 06.00 0 komentar
Daftar 100 Impian ku :
1. Setiap semester IP selalu naik, minimal 0,05
2. Tidak ada mata kuliah yang mengulang atau pun dapat C
3. Di semester 6 nanti dapet ide PI yang bagus dan lulus sidang PI dengan hasil memuaskan
4. Di semester 8 dapat mengerjakan Skiripsi dengan lancar, lulus sidang skripsi dengan hasil yang memuaskan
4. Di semester 8 dapat IP sempurna (4.00) atau mininal 3.90
5. Saat wisuda nanti semua keluarga bisa datang termasuk keluarga dari bapak
6. Setelah lulus S1 langsung dapat kerjaan
7. Jadi Tour Guide professional
8. Jadi Guru di sekolah Internasional
9. Setelah lulus dan wisuda masih tetap komunikasi dan ketemu teman teman terdekat
10. Punya rumah mewah bergaya Betawi-Belanda klasik.
11. Punya mobil mewah yang "Limited Edition", mungkin hanya 5 atau 10 di dunia
12. Naik haji bersama orangtua
13. Menjadi haji yang mabrul
14. Membuat orangtua bangga terhadap saya
15. Membahagiakan kedua orangtua
16. Melarang Bapak untuk kerja lagi dan mencukupi semua kebutuhannya
17. Menggurus kedua orangtua sampai waktu memisahkan
18. Tahun 2013 nanti Taylor Swift ke Indonesia dan aku bisa nonton konsernya
19. Masuk T-Party bersama teman teman dekat
20. Nyanyi bersama Taylor Swift
21. Dibuatkan lagu oleh Taylor Swift
22. Jadi sahabat Taylor Swift
23. Taylor Swift ketemu kakak saya, mereka pacaran terus nikah.
24. Pergi ke Jepang
25. Masuk Disney Land, Tokyo
26. Jalan-jalan keliling Jepang menggunakan Shinkansen.
27. Belanja souvenir sebanyak-banyaknya
28. Belanja sepuasnya di Shibuya
29. Ketemu Shirota Yuu saat pergi ke Jepang
30. Pacaran dengan Shirota Yuu
31. Menikmati suasana musim semi, melihat bunga sakura di Jepang
32. Pergi ke Australia bersama keluarga
33. Menemani nenek selama beberapa bulan di Australia
34. Pergi ke Gold Coast, Australia
35. Pergi ke Victoria, Australia dan menikmati pemandangan disana
36. Pergi ke New Zealand
37. Mengunjungi kota-kota kecil di New Zealand dan menikmati keindahan alam disana.
38. Pergi ke Paris, Perancis saat musim gugur
39. Pergi ke Swiss saat musim dingin
40. Main salju
41. Pergi ke Inggris, terutama London
42. Mengunjungi bangunan-bangunan bersejarah di inggris
43. Ketemu semua personil One Direction di London
44. Pergi ke Madrid, Spanyol
45. Mengunjungi bangunan-bangunan kuno di Madrid
46. Mengunjungi negara-negara lain di benua eropa
47. Membuat bisnis sendiri
48. Menjadi orang sukses
49. Mendapatkan suami idaman, seperti Shirota Yuu atau Zayn Malik
50. Menjadi istri yang baik bagi suami
51. Memiliki 4 anak
52. Anak pertama berjenis kelamin Perempuan
53. Anak kedua Laki-laki
54. Anak ketiga Laki-laki
55. Anak keempat Perempuan
56. Merawat anak dengan penuh kasih sayang
57. Mengajarkan hal-hal yang baik dan berguna kepada anak-anak
58. Menjadi contoh yang baik untuk anak-anak
59. Menjadi Ibu yang baik untuk anak-anak
60. Bisa main alat musik terutama Gitar dan Piano
61. Punya banyak kucing dari berbagai jenis
62. Membuatkan rumah khusus untuk kucing-kucing yang saya punya
63. Punya sepasang panda
64. Merawat semua hewan peliharaan dengan baik dan penuh kasih sayang
65. Membuat sekolah gratis bagi orang-orang kurang mampu
66. Membuat Panti Asuhan
67. Menerima pemberian dari orang-orang dermawan untuk panti asuhan
68. Indonesia bebas dari kemiskinan
69. Tidak ada pengemis ataupun pengamen lagi di Indonesia
70. Indonesia bebas dari korupsi
71. Dunia menjadi tempat yang aman dan damai
72. Tidak ada lagi perang di Dunia
73. Israel tidak menyerang Pakistan dan negara timur tengah lainnya lagi
74. Indonesia mendapatkan Presiden yang baik
75. Menjadi pribadi yang semakin lama semakin baik
76. Hafal Al-Qur'an
77. Menjadi orang yang berguna bagi siapapun
78. Dapat melakukan segala sesuatu sendiri
79. Tidak merepotkan orang lain
80. Tidak cenggeng
81. Tidak terlalu sensitif
82. Menjadi orang yang berani
83. Mudah bersosialisasi dengan lingkungan baru
84. Tidak mudah malu
85. Menikmati hidup dengan tenang
86. Berbakti kepada orangtua sampai akhir hayat
87. Menjadi duta Pariwisata di Indonesia
88. Memiliki hati yang bersih tanpa iri atau dendam
89. Tidak pernah menyakiti hati orang lain
90. Selalu dapat membantu orang lain saat dibutuhkan
91. Dapat melihat anak-anak saya menikah nanti
92. Dapat melihat cucu-cucu saya lahir
93. Merawat cucu-cucu saya hingga mereka tumbuh besar
94. Tidak ingin merepotkan anak dan cucu saya saat sudah tua nanti
95. Setia menemani suami saya hingga ajal memisahkan kami
96. Merawat suami saya disaat tua nanti
97. Menghabiskan waktu tua saya dengan banyak beribadah
98. Memiliki kehidupan yang bahagia
99. Masuk surga
100. Berkumpul bersama seluruh kelurga saya di surga

Free Template Blogger collection template Hot Deals BERITA_wongANteng SEO theproperty-developer

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Jakarta's Traffic Jam

Diposting oleh Sophie-chan di 23.57 0 komentar

Jakarta’s Traffic Jam

Traffic Jam is one of big problem for most of Countries include our country, Indonesia, especially Indonesia's capital town, Jakarta.

Since Jakarta is Indonesia's capital town a lot of people around Jakarta like Bekasi, Bogor, Depok and Tanggerang will come to Jakarta everyday to go to their work, school or their campus. But they have a big problem whenever they go to Jakarta, it's the traffic jam. Traffic jam will always be a part of Jakarta and it makes a lot of people stress, wasting their times, tired, etc. This traffic jam also makes the air pollution increases and it will makes Jakarta's citizens get sicks easily because they always inhale a polluted air.

Some of disease that caused of air pollution are :

1. Bronchitis chronic.

2. Bronchopneumonia.

3. Asthma bronchiale.

4. Lung Cancer.

Jakarta is included in "The World's 20 Cities With The Worst Traffic Jams" and Jakarta is on the 14th. While the first is Tokyo, Japan. Even though they already had monorail but they still have traffic jam's problem.


There are a lot of reasons that caused this traffic jam. Some of the reasons are :

1. Because Jakarta has a lot of citizens, even a lot of people from the outside of Jakarta are comes to Jakarta each day and it makes the traffic jam getting worse because there are so much people there. Maybe more than Jakarta's citizens itselves.

2. There are too many vehicles. Year by year, vehicles in Jakarta are increase rapidly while the areas are not big enough to handle those vehicles. And it makes the traffic jam uncontrolled especially in busy times like when people go to work in the morning and when they go home in the afternoon until evening.

3. Indiscipline Drivers, I think most of drivers in Jakarta are indiscipline, they don't care about the traffic light, the rules of driving and else. All they think about are how to get to their destination without being stuck by the traffic jam so they against the rules and drive however they want like there are no rules. Meanwhile, their action are just make the traffic jam getting worse and worse.

4. Too Long Traffic Light Length, Sometimes a traffic light have a too long length, I've ever seen a traffic light with almost 1000 seconds length and it was on busy time. The traffic light is functioning to organize the vehicle but with a too long length, I think it's not effective.

5. Busway, I don't think that Busway can reduce the traffic jam, because Busway's line is take almost a half of a road. Busway were made to reduce the traffic jam and decrease the vehicle users. But it's not really success, because most of “rich” people feels it’s embarrassing to take a public transportation so they choose to use their own vehicles. and Buswa’s line makes the road becomes smaller and the capacity of vehicles comes down, the government should take care of it if they want Busway becomes effective.


I personally think that traffic jam in Jakarta is really difficult to solved. It's even getting worse day by day. But I think the government should take care of it and find the right solution to reduce this traffic jam. I have some solution for it, and here they are :

1. Busway, Busway is one of government's plan to reduce the traffic jam but like I’ve wrote before, it’s not really effective because the government didn't do it seriously. If the government really want to reduce it and makes Busway as the main transportation to control the vehicle users, I think they should make a new rules for it. Maybe makes some punishments for those people who don't want to use Busway.

2. Enlarge the road, I think government should enlarge the road especially in the central of traffic jam which is always used by vehicle users like Semanggi or the other complicated intersection.

3. Makes more highway, highway is really useful to reduce the traffic jam. The government should makes more highway so those people who has their own vehicle especially car can take the highway and for public transportation and the other vehicle like motorcycle can take the public road.

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